serving the world‘s oilseed, oil, fat and feed industries, trade, organisations, banks and government agencies

in more than 100 countries with comprehensive, unbiased and authoritative forecasts, analyses, facts, figures, prices and opinion.


The 3-4 page FLASH is published daily from Tuesday to Friday and is circulated by e-mail. The report gives daily analyses, daily prices, forecasts and opinion on the pertinent market topics of today and tomorrow. It serves the world’s oilseed, oil and feed industries and other market participants with reliable and unbiased information.


Wednesday Feb 5

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  • Brazilian harvest delays and concern about insufficient rainfall in Argentina, which is likely to curb this year’s soybean crop below initial estimates, pushed soybean prices higher yesterday. ....

  • Looming supply constraints have pushed US soya oil prices (fob Gulf) into a premium vis-a-vis Argentine export prices in recent days, following unusually large discounts of $ 50-60 in Oct and Nov. ...

  • Prices of coconut oil have shown independent price strength so far this year, defying the recent setback in palm oil and palmkernel oil and reaching the highest level in 2½ years. ...

  • Kazakh exports of sunflowerseed and products have increased sizably so far this season and will continue this trend also in coming months, thanks to a record-breaking sunflowerseed crop ...


Tuesday Feb 4

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  • US President Trump’s questionable negotiating tactics sent global markets on a roller coaster ride over the weekend.....

  • World exports of palm oil recovered contra-seasonally from 12.3 Mn T in July/Sept to 12.6 Mn T in Oct/Dec 2024....Indonesian exports data for Dec in the FLASH...

  • U.S.A.: Usage of tallow/greases increased by almost one third to 3.39 Mn T in Jan/Nov 2024 according to latest EIA data, showing the by far biggest growth in the US biodiesel/HVO feedstock market ....

  • Preliminary trade data released by the Canadian Grain Commission confirmed large canola exports of 0.3 Mn T to the EU-27 in Dec, virtually offsetting the severe decline in shipments to China ...


Thursday Jan 30

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  • The soybean/corn price ratio derived from CBOT futures declined further yesterday...

  • Prices of high-oleic sunflower oil have increased sharply as consumers are bidding up in an environment of extremely low supplies...

  •  Canadian canola crushings were again large at 1.0 Mn T in Dec, exceeding the year-ago level by...

  • ARGENTINA:  Farmer selling of soybeans and other crops was still subdued during Jan 27-29, despite the downward revision of the export taxes...

  • KAZAKHSTAN: China has become an increasing export destination for vegetable oils and oilmeals...


Wednesday Jan 29

The following are the headlines of the respective FLASH report.

The full report (3-4 pages) is available either on a subscription basis (by e-mail) or can be purchased and downloaded individually.

  • US President Trump seems determined to use the threat of high import tariffs as a tool to push his agenda through....

  • This year’s Paraguayan soybean crop will probably reach only 10.0-10.4 Mn T compared with earlier estimates of 11.0-11.2 Mn T. Damage occurred due to rainfall reaching only 40-50% of normal ...

  •  Higher than expected catches in the Nov/Jan fishing season in the north/centre region have boosted Peruvian export supplies of fish meal for shipment in Jan/Mar 2025 to a multi-year high...

  • COLOMBIA: Net exports of palm oil continued to decline in Oct/Dec 2024, curbed by the sharp decline in production...